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하버드대 금년도 얼리 합격자 722명 발표... 합격률 7.56%

하버드 얼리 9553명 지원, 722명 합격- 합격률 7.56%

지원자 78%에게 디퍼, 9.5%는 불합격

<출처= 하버드 크림슨// The Harvard College Office of Admissions and Financial Aid is located at 86 Brattle Street in Radcliffe Yard. By Meimei Xu>

하버드 대학은 15일 오후 7시 2023학년도 얼리 합격자 결과를 발표했다. 하버드 대학은 얼리 지원자 총 9553명 가운데 722명에게 합격을 통보했다.합격률은 지난해 보다 0.3%포인트 낮아진 7.56%였다.

하버드 대학은 지원자 가운데 78%에게 디퍼를, 9.5%에게 불합격을 주었다. 하버드 대학의 금년도 얼리 합격률은 역사상 두번째로 낮은 합격률이다. 가장 합격률이 낮은 때는 2021학년도 입학생으로 금년도보다 0.2% 포인트 낮았다.

그럼에도 금년도 하버드 대학 합격률은 정말 낮았다고 평가된다.

<다음은 하버드 학교 신문 크림슨 보도 내용>

Harvard College admitted 7.56 percent of early applicants to the Class of 2027, marking the second-lowest early acceptance rate in the College’s history.

The College notified 722 of 9,553 early applicants of their acceptance to the Class of 2027 on Thursday at 7 p.m. The early acceptance rate marks a 0.3 percentage point decline from the Class of 2026 and nearly a 0.2 percentage point rise from the Class of 2025, who faced the College’s most competitive early admissions cycle in history.

Dean of Admissions William R. Fitzsimmons ’67 described the applicants admitted early to Harvard’s Class of 2027 as “amazing” in a Thursday interview.

“Not just in terms of their accomplishments but in terms of their life stories and the kind of educators they’ll be of each other once they’re here,” he said.

This is Harvard College’s second biggest early applicant pool, up from 9,406 for the Class of 2026 but still shy of the 10,086 students who applied for early admission to Harvard’s Class of 2025.

Of the applications received, roughly 78 percent of applicants were deferred and 9.5 percent were denied. Approximately 5 percent of applications were either withdrawn or incomplete.